Golf Fitness Core Exercises For Strength and Flexibility

Golf is a sport like any other, and like any other it has certain muscles that it uses more than others.  Golfers seem to have a prime concern for being able to hit their balls further and this all comes from their Golf swing.
In the Golf swing a Golfer has to be able to twist their body into an unnatural shape and move with explosive power.  This is why it is important for the Golfer to choose the best fitness program for them and their sport.

Although we do use the arms and legs in the swing, the main power comes from the core muscles as does balance, which is another key component.  It is therefore now apparent that we have to have Golf specific exercises in our best fitness plan to allow this movement and to help the Spine from become injured as well as other parts of the Golfer.

Golfers twist around their Spine so this needs the core muscles to do a lot of work in order to protect it.  This is where Golf flexibility training will come in.  This is training your core muscles and joints to be more moveable i.e. flexible than perhaps normal.

Who would have though that all this was necessary to have the fitness for Golf?  As it is a physical sport, then training your core muscles to be strong and flexible is paramount.  This can be done with proper information and the proper core exercises for strength and flexibility.

The best fitness program is one that has a deadline on it, gives measured results and gives exact step by step specific Golf exercises to do.  An example of this can be found here.

Golf flexibility training should involve, stretches and twists.  This will improve flexibility and muscle tone, helping with strength.

By including Golf flexibility training and the best Golf exercises (including Golf specific exercises) in the best fitness program for you, then you will very quickly see an improvement in your fitness for Golf.

This page is about core exercises to help increase the strength and flexibility of that area. For your ease I have listed below some relevant articles and blog posts:


Golf Fitness - Core Training: The Secret Of How It Will Improve Your Game
Here we answer the question of exactly what core training really is and why it is so important to a Golfer.

Dynamic Core Exercises In The Comfort Of Your Own Home At No Cost!
"No need for a gym or long lengthy workouts.  It is all fast, cheap, easy and best of all it gets results!"

Golf Flexibility Training – Revealed Secrets Of The Power And Grace Of The Pros
We watch the professional address the ball, raise the club and unleash their swing. Bham! The speed and power leaves us with our mouth open. The length and power of the drive keeps us bewildered. Yet we can do similar ourselves.