Monday, August 8, 2011

Golf Fitness:- Dynamic Core Exercises In The Comfort Of Your Own Home At No Cost!

Golf Fitness:- Dynamic Core Exercises In The Comfort Of Your Own Home At No Cost!

The core structure of our body; so important to our movement, our posture and our power in a Golf swing. Any Golf fitness program has to include exercises to strengthen this area. Only problem is that some of us, at least at first, are embarrassed about exercising in front of others.

The solution is obvious-exercise in private. But where? At home is a good place as we feel comfortable in the familiar surroundings of our abode. We can do our Golf fitness training there.

Again we come to an issue as many people do not have a gym at their house. You will be happy to know that there are solutions. One of them is so simply it beggars belief and every building has them!

It is the floor!

You can use this simple apparatus to help strengthen your core muscles that are key to your Golf fitness.

The exercises that you can do here are:
  • Sit ups
  • Stomach crunches
  • Push ups
  • Lower back extensions
  • Trunk twists
Lets examine each in turn and see how we can do them:
  1. Sit ups: Lie flat on the floor and draw your feet towards your bottom. Keep your feet flat on the floor at all times. Place the palms of your hands either beside your ears (never place your hands behind your head) or cross your arms over your chest, whichever you find easier, and using your abdominal muscles only raise your back off the floor. No more than about just over half way from being lay down to sat up right.  Do NOT lift yourself all the way up as this puts too much pressure on your spine and stops the abdominal muscles working.. We are only exercising the lower abdominal muscles here! Repeat this in a pre-set pattern of repetitions determined by your Golf fitness program and health professional.
  2. Reverse Stomach crunches: Similar to sit ups, only in reverse and starting with your feet lifted off the floor and your knees bent at approximately 90 degrees. In that instead of lifting your back you raise your legs towards your chest and raise your shoulders so that he shoulder blades are off the floor. This exercises the deep abdominal muscles. Again do in repetitions set by your Golf fitness program and health professional.
  3. Push ups: Mainly for upper body strength but they do help with the core as you have to keep your body straight throughout the whole movement. Lie face down on the floor, put your hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Have your fingers pointing forward with most of your weight on the outside of your hand. Your arms and elbows should bend naturally causing your elbows to jut out sideways in the start position of your chest on the floor. Extend your arms but stop before the elbow is full extended. Lower yourself down until your chin is about 2 inches off the floor and push up again. As with the first two exercises do a pre-set number of repetitions as defined in Golf fitness program and by your health professional.
  4. Lower back extensions: Lie face down on the floor, keep your arms straight and clasp your hands behind your back over the Lumbar region of your back. Hands can also be placed at the side of your head or arms straight down the sides of your body.  Gently, and with smooth movement raise your chest off the floor slightly. Hold for about 2-3 seconds and lower smoothly to the start position. Again repeat this exercise in the manner laid out in your Golf fitness program and by your health professional.
  5. Trunk twists: Stand up straight, reach out your arms at shoulder height so as to create a straight line from your left finger tips across your shoulders to the right finger tips. Now gently and smoothly turn (left or right) your body around your hips, do not move your hips! When you have gone as far as you can go turn the other way going past the start position all the way to the other-side of your body as you can go. Again take care that your hips remain as still as possible. This exercise can be varied by using a change to the sit up and stomach crunch exercises. By lifting your body to one side then the other or your legs then you are exercising and strengthening the muscle group at the side of your abdominals.
These basic exercises are the main stay of any golf fitness program to strengthen your core muscle structure. There are many, many more such exercises that can be done to build strength and flexibility into this area of your body. As stated above in nearly all the methodology you should only ever take up any exercise after consulting any health professional, Doctor, fitness instructor and having a program drawn up for you by them. In this case it will be a personally designed Golf fitness program as that is your chosen sport.

Never exceed the recommended amount of exercise in any Golf fitness program as you in all likely hood do more damage than good. A golf fitness program is designed to help you not hinder you. Please enjoy your Golf fitness program and improve your game.

FREE report including videos on how to do the exercises above. 
Right click this link, "Core Exercises Report" and save to your computer

Golf Fitness:- Dynamic Core Exercises In The Comfort Of Your Own Home At No Cost!

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