Golf fitness – “Senior Golfers go for longer!”
Answer me this: How many times has your chin hit the floor when a person tells you there age? I bet it's lots, maybe more! Your next question is, to them; “What is your secret?”
Do they ever reply “Sitting around doing nothing, lots of booze, cigarettes, wasting time, etc!” No, they don't do they! The answer is nearly always hard work and/or plenty of exercise and a good diet. At the very least it is something similar. Am I right aren't I?
Why is this then? It is because the human being is a machine. All be it a Biomechanical one. Like all machines they need regular maintenance and good fuel. In the case of the human being this means exercise and diet.
The part that Golf plays in this is simple. Just the game in itself encourages walking, strength, flexibility and increased mental awareness. Couple that with a proper Golf fitness plan to improve their game (top professionals have a personal Golf fitness instructor) and you have one very well functioning person regardless of their age or gender (yes ladies you benefit as well).
Just because we get older does not mean that we should stop enjoying the things we do. Yes we may not be as fast or not as strong but we can be fit, strong, flexible and mentally acute for our age. By being fit and active we can all benefit and be an inspiration to others. Playing Golf and having a Golf fitness program tailored to you, your age and gender will help tremendously with your game and your health.
Like any Golfer/athlete of any age don't you owe it to yourself to be the best that you can, to be healthy, both physically and mentally?
When looking directly at the benefits for Senior Golfers they will include Golfers of all ages and gender. To highlight these areas they are listed below:
- Increased cardiovascular efficiency
- Increased flexibility
- Increased muscle tone (power)
- Increased balance
- Increased mental acuity
- Improved posture of the skeleton
- Increased social activity
Bet that last one opened your eyes. How can being sociable improve your health?
It has been proven that when we are doing something we enjoy we are not as stressed as we may otherwise be. We laugh more and smile more; we are relaxed. When in this state the brain actually releases chemicals called Endorphins. These actually make us feel good and have a measured difference on brain and body health. Improving both of them.
Amazing isn't it, all that from a game of Golf.
There you can see some of the benefits that a properly planned Golf fitness program can bring to a Golfer. Not just the more senior one's but Golfer's of all ages and genders can benefit from a Golf fitness regime.
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